University Park Church of the Brethren

University Park

Church of the Brethren

University Park Church of the Brethren


Feel free to explore our site, or to contact us if you have questions you’d like to ask. Join us for worship or activities to get to know us in person!

Contact Us

Who We Are

We at the University Park Church of the Brethren are diverse in our understanding and application of the Bible. This diversity reflects the richness of scripture itself and the ineffable mind of God. We believe that our shared experience in the church enriches the journey of our lives and helps to strengthen our faith.


All Are Welcome

We affirm our common humanity as children of God and embrace variety in color, culture, age, gifts, abilities, and perspectives. We welcome those of diverse socioeconomic circumstances, gender identities, sexual orientations, relationships, and family structures.  We strive to provide an inviting and supportive community of faith and to affirm the dignity of every person.


We Are a Historic Peace Church

When you hear discussions on the "historic peace church," they are referring to three denominations of which we are one.  The other two are  Mennonites (which have connections to the Amish) and the Religious Society of Friends (often referred to as "Quakers").  Claiming Jesus as the "Prince of Peace," we feel we can do no other than to act in non-violent ways as we engage with the violent ways of the world. 


Our Vision

Jesus calls us to walk humbly together in our shared humanity, serving those in need while confessing our own needs, living justly, and standing with the oppressed.  Knowing that diversity can enhance strength, creativity, and vision, we welcome partners in ministry and new members from across the spectrum of human experience to help us follow Jesus’ call.


We Learn Together

During the Fall, Winter and Spring, we gather at 9:45AM for an intergenerational Sunday School time.  Our varied life experiences, encounters with God, and insights are brought together in one room where we learn from and with each other.  September 8th is our first class for the year. 

It Takes All of Us

We believe in the "priesthood of all believers."  That's a Bible phrase to say, "God has given each of us gifts to contribute to the whole."  We may ride on different skateboards, but, at the end of the day, we're all pitching in to help God's kingdom draw more near.  And, together, we celebrate and remember the One who gives us life and breath!

Upcoming Events

Sharing Fair

November 2, 2024

9 AM to 2 PM

Come and enjoy the renowned grilled sausages and bake sale. The vendors will include fair trade gifts, vintage costume jewelry, and decor, hand-crafted knitwear, local artists, environmental groups, and more!

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